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Published Articles.
Dec 30, 2018
Financial volatility matters less than we're told
Stock markets have been up and down like Santa in the world's chimneys this Christmas. After taking a record unfestive pummelling on 24...
Dec 25, 2018
Could 'peak stuff' be in sight this Christmas?
Many parents of small children will be familiar with the depressing Christmas Day rubbish routine. Presents are unveiled. The paper is...
Dec 22, 2018
Japan's justice system is in the dock alongside Carlos Ghosn
On 19 November Carlos Ghosn, the most famous man in the global automotive industry, touched down at Haneda airport in his private jet and...
Dec 16, 2018
Brexit insurance that is worth having
The Irish “backstop”, the legal clause that offends the sensibilities of hardline Tory Brexiteers – to the point where they would be...
Dec 15, 2018
Fantastic four? The future of the working week
As a society we can't seem to make up our minds about work. Do we want more of it? Or less? There's a chilling fog of fear over what...
Dec 14, 2018
Brexit insurance that is worth having
The Irish "backstop", the legal clause that offends the sensibilities of hardline Tory Brexiteers - to the point where they would be...
Dec 11, 2018
Is Emmanuel Macron’s France in the vanguard of a new economic revolution?
As he delivered his televised address to the French public on Monday night, following a month of street protests and intensifying mob...
Dec 9, 2018
The unreliable Oxbridge signal
Oxbridge seems to recruit extraordinarily heavily from a small group of southern private schools (presumed to include Eton and...
Dec 5, 2018
A lifetime gift tax could be the solution to increasing homeownership inequality
In the 1960s the sociologist Robert Merton identified something he described as the “Matthew effect”. Merton was drawing on the...
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